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The world of rumor is rife with tales about noxious or out-of-place substances secreted in products to save a company a few pennies on each serving. All large corporations are by their very nature suspect simply due to their size, and this holds even more true in the fast food industry. The public harbors a deep mistrust of Big Business, seeing it as impersonal and profit-driven to the point of irresponsibility. Couple this with lurking fears about what might be hidden in food not personally prepared by the ingestee, and rumors about large corporations dumping anything they can get away with into their fast food offerings will surely result. Just as surely, because it is the largest of the large, McDonald’s will star in most of them. Collected on the Internet, 1996 have now heard from three different sources this little gem: McDonalds’ apple pies contain no apple.

Mcdonald Starts Presenting Potato Holders For Mac

Starting next Wednesday, April 24, McDonald's Japan is giving away french fry holders for cars with purchase of a value meal and a large order of fries as part of their 'potato holder' campaign. But the 'potato holder' can do more than just hold potatoes.

Mcdonald starts presenting potato holders for macbook pro

Instead they are made out of potatoes or pears + flavouring. Collected on the Internet, 1997 Supposedly, McDonalds restaurants (at least in this area) don’t make their Milkshakes out of any sort of dairy product, that’s why the menus call them “shakes” and not “milkshakes.” (I saw this myself, so I know this, at least, is true). Occasionally, one hears McDonald’s shakes contain seaweed. That is very close to being true — they contain carrageenan, a substance which is derived from carrageen, a type of seaweed also known as “Irish moss.” Carrageenan is commonly used as a suspending agent in foods, a clarifying agent in beverages, and for controlling crystal growth in frozen products. (That last part is vital — lacking carrageenan or a similar product in ice cream, the frozen treat would be a hard block.) Carrageenan turns up in any number of processed foods, not just McDonald’s shakes. As for what’s actually in a McDonald’s shake, here’s the list for vanilla. VANILLA REDUCED FAT ICE CREAM Ingredients: Milk, Sugar, Cream, Corn Syrup, Natural Flavor, Mono and Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate.

Contains: MILK. VANILLA SHAKE SYRUP Ingredients: Corn Syrup, Water, Caramel Color, Natural Flavor, Salt, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Pectin, Sugar. May contain small amounts of other shake flavors served at the restaurant, including egg ingredients when Egg Nog Shakes are available. Notice that there are no cow eyeballs or styrofoam balls listed among the ingredients. The notion that McFlurries (a concoction introduced in 1998 of whipped vanilla ice cream blended with branded candies such as Heath bars and M&Ms) contain feathers is wildly imaginative but wholly false.

Mcdonald Starts Presenting Potato Holders For Machines

The product does have a feathery appearance, but that’s the limit of its avian properties. A more innocent McDonalds dessert rumor concerns their apple turnovers. Some have heard that McD’s doesn’t use real apples in them — claiming the “fruit” filling is really potatoes, pears, or maybe even crackers. Shockingly, the primary ingredient in McDonald’s is apple. Rumors of this nature play on the idea that the big, bad corporation will happily attempt to slip a less expensive substitute past a consumer whenever it can. Belief in this particular whisper is bolstered by memories of oddball recipes for “mock apple pie” culled from old cooking books wherein the “mock apples” were Ritz crackers.

Mcdonald Starts Presenting Potato Holders For Macbook Pro

Because of the dangers presented by even innocuous foodstuffs to those allergic to them, restaurateurs will provide upon demand a complete ingredient list for every ingestible they sell. In dealing with product rumors of the “cheap or yucky ingredient substituted for something else” variety, this works mightily in favor of the befuddled consumer who’s just heard something shiver-inducing about what’s supposedly hidden in his favorite fast food. A quick phone call to that company’s 800 number or a fast visit to their web site is usually all it takes to set the rumor back on its heels. Last updated: 18 December 2017.