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The knights of the 15th 16th and 17th century wore chainmil and platemail armour.On deadliest warrior the knights armour was able to withstand a bullet from a pirates flintlock pistol. Now my question is if we were to make armour like the knights with the technology and elements weve discovered in the modern dy. The knights of the 15th 16th and 17th century wore chainmil and platemail armour.On deadliest warrior the knights armour was able to withstand a bullet from a pirates flintlock pistol.

Now my question is if we were to make armour like the knights with the technology and elements weve discovered in the modern dy would the protection be just as efficient. Ex-armour made of the same material as a tank. Ronneburg Castle was not far from the Kaserne I was on in Germany. They had a piece of plate mail?

Wkc cracked armor piece this government school in gaya has no one

Wkc Cracked Armor Piece This Government School In Gaya Has No 1

For a pretty small guy. It had a dent in about the area of the appendix.

Shoulder of an ox, predict future, said they were 'dragon bones.' A shaman would hold the bone and as cracks appear describe answer to wars, birth of sons, royal affairs. 100,000's have been found. No, this is not a double entry. In one timeline, Thor managed to acquire enough power merely to dent Captain America's shield, but in another, alternate timeline Thor succeeded in performing a feat no other Avenger has been able to do: break Cap's shield. The side of a Panther tank turret, cracked by three glancing blows of 75 mm HE, June The three hits from County Shermans killed the turret crew, but apart from cracking the thick armour plating did no other damage to the tank.

It was about 1' round and protruded in at least an inch. The steel was not cracked, just reshaped making the piece a one use item. Modern body armor is made of a vest that holds ceramic (light weight) plates.

Get hit, the plate will break, you go down.and get back up after a few 'Holy Crap Batman's'. Insert an new plate and you are good to go.multiple use item!! That bulky old piece of hammered armor would let a modern round pass like it was going thru paper.

Not sure it would do much to protect against shrapnel either. Edit: The question above about your age is legitimate, very legitimate. All you have to do is type M1Abrams on the search line and you would find that the DU impregnated armor does not stop our own DU impregnated rounds. We have destroyed our own tanks in combat!!! SSG US Army 73-82. Tell us some more.

Wkc cracked armor piece this government school in gaya has no download

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