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'Tap Forms is a great choice for a database for a small business. I am a small business owner, and for years I used a FileMaker Pro database that I designed. But that application has become far more advanced than I need and way too expensive. Tap Forms has been a great replacement, and is ready to use once installed on your computer. It was easy to export an Excel file from FileMaker Pro and import the file into Tap Forms creating my database.

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If you want to create a new database Tap Forms has a number of templates to choose from or you can design your own. I have a travel business and book tours and cruises. I use Tap Forms to keep track of all my clients and prospects contact information. In addition, I use the database to keep track of family, friends, and university alumni that I network with. Currently there are more than 1,200 individual records. By searching for a specific identifiers I can select any group I am interested in working with. I use Tap Forms to advertise to my clients and prospects and to communicate with members of my other groups.

To any individual or a chosen group I send emails directly from Tap Forms, which works with the Apple Mail application. It is very easy to send eBlasts using this application. For mailings through the Post Office this application has numerous Avery labels for creating address labels. You can create labels for an individual or a group. I print labels with a Dymo printer. It is possible to do this by exporting a CSV file from Tap Forms and using using that file with Dymo software to design the labels. If you have questions or problems the developer, Brendan Duddridge, offers great customer service.

I have found him very quick to respond with detailed answers to my questions. 'I am building a digital family history archive, which I intend to be interesting to my relatives, children, and other descendants. I have mostly photographs, but also a variety of one-page documents including marriage certificates and kids' work at school.

All of that can be scanned. I also have some longer texts and text-photo combinations that go in PDFs. To date, I have 1200+ items organized in the archive on my hard disk, and in a website version. Eventually I'll work my way out of my family's paper past into the recent digital past, and start drawing items from my hard drive: iPhoto collection, audio, and video.' 'I use it every day to run my software and services company.

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I used to use Bento, then moved to Filemaker, and wound up landing on Tap Forms. Dashboard: The dashboard has my to dos, idea storage, long term things I’d like to do, My sales pipeline summary, things that are ‘floating’, and current project summaries.

I look at this everyone morning over a cup of coffee. Contacts: This contact manager not only stores the usual info, but will also keep track of where they came from, if I should keep the contact ‘warm’, amount spent, days since last contact, and the usual notes about the contact. Sales Pipeline: In addition to the usual data in a pipeline (company/person contact data, etc), it will also track stage, probability of close, lead source, contact position, company size, repeat customer, potential value, date added, days since added, date won/lost/abandoned.

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Project Manager: This is pretty straight forward, but that’s what I love about it. It will track name, priority,% complete, stage, dependencies, project% complete by deliverable, external documents, customer stage sign off, notes (many types), software bug tracking, and more. Invoicing: This is very basic, but hey, invoices do not need to be as fancy as people think.

But, in this case it tracks category, description, units, PO#, etc The usual stuff an invoice should. I print it straight to PDF.

Accounts Receivable: Very basic just who owes us what. It runs our business without breaking a sweat. Love it’s flexibility, simplicity. Don’t miss Filemaker a single bit!'